Siletz Tribe Revolving Credit Program

Siletz Tribe Revolving Credit Program Lowers Interest Rates

The Siletz Tribe Revolving Credit Program provides Consumer, Home Improvement and small Business loans to qualified Tribal members. STRCP has competitive rates compared to most conventional lenders. With three loan tiers available, borrowing money is easier than you may think. For more information on our loan program contact:

Tracy Garrison 541-351-9152

A. The STRCP was developed in response to a number of goals and objectives established in the Comprehensive Plan of the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians. Its main purpose is raising the Siletz tribal member social and economic status, as well as credit worthiness, to a point where they can secure adequate financing on reasonable terms from another lender, and to finance developments for which other financing is not available through education and credit rehabilitation. Additionally, tribal members who successfully pay back their loan and meet all the criteria may apply for additional loans.

A. The STRCP and its loan administrator, Siletz Management,LLC does not offer credit counseling services or advice.

A. Yes, the STRCP only issues loans. You will sign a promissory note guaranteeing repayment to the STRCP if you receive a loan. The STRCP does not provide grants or advances on member annual per capita payments. If you miss payments or default on your loan payments it will be reported to a credit bureau and you will be taken to tribal court for garnishment.

A. Yes. The Siletz Tribe Revolving Credit Program submits monthly payment status reports of all active Consumer & Home Improvement loans to TransUnion; one of the three credit reporting agencies. Should you have any questions or concerns about your Siletz Tribe Revolving Credit Program loan credit reporting to the credit bureau(s) please contact us at 1-541-994-2142. Our office hours are Monday through Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm. Fore more information please click here.

Consumer Loan

Consumer loans range from $500 to $10,000 and are designed to assist borrowers with credit improvement and management. First time borrowers may request up to $5,000. Second time or more borrowers may request up to $10,000 if they meet all the eligbility requirements.

Consumer loans may be used for a variety of purposes including consolidation of bills. If an applicant is approved for a consumer loan, the STRCP Board may require direct payment from the loan to vendors, creditors and/or other entities. Please contact the STRCP Loan Administrator for further information.

Home Improvement Loan

STRCP offers home improvement loans from $1,000 to $10,000. When applying for a home improvement loan, the applicant must meet a number of criteria.

Please see "What if I want to apply for a Home Improvement loan? Are there different requirements from Consumer Loans?" under Requirements below or contact the STRCP Loan Administrator for more information.

Check List

CTSI Programs in lieu of loan

"Tribal Administration offers a number of programs that may be a better fit than a loan through the STRCP. Follow the links below for few example CTSI tribal programs.

Home of Your Own Program
Housing Assistance
Down Payment Assistance
Low Rent Apartments/Home Ownership

Application Process

  • Applicants must submit their completed loan (see below) application to the STRCP Loan Administrator Office with the $10.00 non-refundable application fee by the monthly deadline.
  • Applications are not considered complete and will not be reviewed by the STRCP Board until the non-refundable $10.00 application fee is received.
  • Completed applications can be returned to the STRCP Loan Administrator by mail, or it can be submitted in person by the monthly deadline.
  • Upon receiving the completed application, the STRCP Loan Administrator performs a "hard" credit check of the applicant(s) through TransUnion, calculates the applicant(s)' debt-to-income ratio (DIR) including the proposed monthly STRCP loan payment, verifies employment and income and performs any other required application review. The monthly payment and length of loan term will depend on the amount requested and is at the discretion of the STRCP Board.
  • Once the STRCP Loan Administrator determines the application packet the application is complete, it is taken to the next STRCP Board Meeting for review. Please note, all loan application discussions are done in Executive Session to ensure confidentiality.
  • The STRCP Board meets once a month with the exception of December. Loan requests will not be reviewed in the month of December. If you wish to present your application to the STRCP Board in-person or via phone please make advanced arrangements with the STRCP Loan Administrator.
  • The STRCP Board makes a decision on the loan application and the STRCP Loan Administrator then will notify the applicant of the STRCP Board decision to include the reason(s) the loan was denied if they deny it.

The STRCP Board of Directors highly recommends you download, review and report back to the STRCP Loan Administrator that you reviewed the STRCP Loan Information Summary Sheet and the STRCP Financial Information Sheet with your application. The STRCP Board considers financial education to be one of its primary missions and highly encourages each applicant to learn as much as possible about their own credit score and overall financial health.

For a summary sheet about the loan program itself and a financial summary document outlining how your credit score can impact a credit application and how much interest you will pay please download the .pdfs below.

If you want to apply for a loan please download the appropriate application below.

Cover Letter

You can download a fillable loan application form that is fillable through Adobe Reader or equivalent on your screen or print directly and fill in by hand.
Consumer Application Fillable Home Improvement Application Fillable


A. All primary Applicant(s) must:

  • Be a member of the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians as evidenced by the CTSI Enrollment Department.
  • Be of legal age and a resident of the United States.
  • Be presently employed and have six (6) consistent months of employment and the income to repay the loan.
  • Be in good, current standing with the STRCP.
  • A Co-signer who is not a CTSI Enrolled Tribal Member must have a minimum FICO score of at least 700 or if the Co-signer is an Enrolled CTSI Tribal Member they must meet the eligibility requirements set forth in the current Tribal Council approved Declaration of Policies.
  • Loan request will not be approved if the applicant knowingly falsifies his/her application or conceals his/her liabilities.
  • Loan request may not be approved if the applicant is delinquent in repayment of any Tribal loan; however, a borrower may request refinancing of a delinquent loan.
  • Please contact the STRCP Loan Administrator for more information.

A. There are three tiers for consumer loans. Tier 2, Tier 1 and Premium. To qualify for any of these tiers the applicant must meet all the criteria in the tier.

Tier 2
Requires 50% or less Debt-to-Income Ratio
FICO Score of 430 - 529
Loan Amount Up to $1,500
APR of 2% above the STRCP Board of Directors currently established base interest rate.

Tier 1
Requires 47% or less Debt-to-Income Ratio
FICO Score of 530-699
Loan Amount Based on Loan Type
APR equals STRCP Board of Directors currently established base interest rate.

Requires 40% or less Debt-to-Income Ratio
FICO Score of 700+
Loan Amount Based on Loan Type
APR of 1% below the STRCP Board of Directors currently established base interest rate.

The Board reserves the ability to waive the FICO requirement when one is unavailable. The loan request may be approved to build credit worthiness of client. The Board reserves the right to adjust the interest rate for loan applicants based on their credit score & overall credit risk.

A. The applicant proposed DIR and FICO should meet the standards listed in the tiers above. Additionally, any previous loan(s) had to be successfully paid back in full with no more than five delinquent payments over the course of the loan. In case of previous loan default and/or default payment(s) through per capita garnishment, applicant must wait three years from the date the loan is paid back in full to be eligible to apply for next loan. Or, if the previous loan has less than 10% principal balance remaining and the borrower(s) meets all necessary requirements listed in these policies they may apply for a another loan. The remaining balance on previous loan (payoff amount) will be paid for (and loan closed out) utilizing principal from the loan.

A. Yes. In addition to meeting the consumer loan requirements applicant must meet the following conditions:

  • Application must be accompanied by at least two (2) written bids from an independent contractor clearly defining what work is going to be performed.
  • Contractor must provide permit. The Bid shall include a detailed description of materials, number of units, price per unit and the total cost of material cost.
  • The bid shall also include a listing of workers indicating their trade, hourly rate and total labor costs.
  • The application includes clear evidence of title, proof of insurance, proof of property tax payment, as well as existing lien if any.
  • Application will be accompanied by adequate supporting documentation showing evidence of clear title with no encumbrances, or agreement of lien release by mortgagee.
  • A lien shall be placed on the home for the duration of the loan term until the loan is fully paid back.
  • At the discretion of the Board, the monthly repayment on housing loans and loans for home improvements and repairs will be scheduled to include payments required for insurance premiums and taxes.

A. Depending on how delinquent the payment is there are different conditions.

  • For all loans with terms starting October 1, 2014 or later, there is a $25.00 late fee assessed to the account if the payment is received eleven (11) days or more after your due date.
  • For loans approved with terms starting before October 1, 2014 there is a $15.00 late fee assessed to the account if the payment is received eleven (11) days or more after your due date.

A. Your loan will become delinquent. The following are policies regarding delinquent accounts:

  • After 30 days a past due letter is mailed to you.
  • If the payment is not received within 60 days, an additional letter is sent to you by certified mail attempting to collect payment. The letter will state the amount due for the loan to become current.
  • STRCP Loan Administrator reserves the right to contact you in order to collect a debt.
  • If a payment is not received within 90 days you are subject to appear in Tribal Court. Your per capita is subject to garnishment.
  • The Loan Administrator also reserves the right to seek garnishment through payroll for loan recipients working for CTSI.
  • To bring your account out of default you must pay the amount due. A $50.00 service fee may apply.
  • In compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), all loans are subject to submission to the credit reporting bureaus.

A. Yes. Please see the following:

  • There is a one-time non-refundable application fee of $10.00 that must accompany the submitted loan application.
  • There is also a loan servicing fee applied to the initial prinicpal of all new loans issued. The following list outlines the loan servicing fee amounts.
  • For loans from $500 to $1,000 a one-time loan fee of $17.50 is applied to the loan.
  • For loans from $1,001 to $1,500 a one-time loan fee of $22.50 is applied to the loan.
  • For loans from $1,501 to $2,000 a one-time loan fee of $25.00 is applied to the loan.
  • For loans from $2,001 to $3,000 a one-time loan fee of $30.00 is applied to the loan.
  • For loans $3,001 or more, the one-time fee is one percent (1%) of amount borrowed and is applied to the loan.
  • There are no additional loan fees to modified loans that do not receive additional advances.
  • On loans modified or refinanced with additional advances, a fee of one percent (1%) of the additional dollars advanced to the nearest dollar not including the loan fee, will be charged.
  • Not sufficient Funds (NSF) fee(s) will be applied on all returned checks or NSF payments.
  • Home Improvement loan filing fees; includes lien searches.

A. You are notified of the Board's decision within five business days.

If approved:

  • The loan must be finalized within 30 days of approval.
  • May be subject to additional requirements before loan funds can be released.
  • The Promissory note and disbursement authorization requires original signatures and must be returned to the STRCP Loan Administrator before funds are released.
  • Upon receipt of original signed promissory note and disbursement authorization by STRCP Loan Administrator the funds will be released via check within seven (7) business days.

If denied:

  • A denial letter is mailed to you within five business days stating the reason(s) for denial by the STRCP Board.

A. You may submit a request for loan modification to the STRCP Board of Directors. Only they have the authority to modify approved loans.

Rates & Conditions

  • The Board of Directors reviews the base interest rates at the beginning of each calendar year, and may change the rates at any time during the year, to reflect relatively similar market rates, as market conditions change.
  • To get the current STRCP interest rates, please contact the STRCP Loan Administrator at 541-994-2142.
  • There is a service fee for preparation of loan documents. Please see "Are there any application or loan fees?" under Requirements above.
  • All loans approved by the STRCP Board of Directors will have the current interest rate established at the time of closing.
  • Once approved by the Board of Directors, the loan interest rate will remain set until the loan is paid in full, refinanced or modified to extend the repayment terms.
  • There is no prepayment penalty for paying off a loan early.
  • There is no administrative fee for making additional principal payments.
Approve Reject

Loan Approval

If the application is approved through the Siletz Tribe Revolving Credit Program (STRCP), the applicant is required to sign a Promissory note and disbursement authorization that describes the client's responsibilities for the duration of their loan.

The loan will be administered through Siletz Management, LLC. Payments may be made by check or money order to STRCP and delivered/mailed to 2120 NW 44th Street Ste. D, Lincoln City, OR 97367. It is the client responsibility to ensure payment arrives by due date each month.

Small Business Loans

Siletz Tribe Revolving Credit Program business loans range from $1,000 to $15,000. These loans may be used for startup costs, equipment purchases, and other business-related purposes.

Business plan imgage

Pre-Application Recommendations

It is highly recommended that every loan applicant take or be signed up for business classes and fully understand their credit score and report before finalizing their loan application. To learn more click the button below. Learn More

The STRCP Board of Directors highly recommends you download, review and report back to the STRCP Loan Administrator that you reviewed the STRCP Financial Information Sheet with your application. The STRCP Board considers financial education to be one of the its primary missions and highly encourages each applicant to learn as much as possible about their own credit score and overall financial health.


A. First time Applicant(s) must:

  • Be a member of the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians as verified by the CTSI Enrollment Department.
  • Be of legal age and a resident of the United States.
  • Be in good, current standing with the STRCP.
  • Not have any outstanding debts with the CTSI or any of its entities.
  • Applicant must have one year consecutive employment in the same or related business field of their business loan.
  • Applicant must have necessary business experience through training, managerial ability and the income to repay the loan.
  • Applicant must provide proof of completed ONABEN Indianpreneurship business education course or equivalent.
  • Applicant FICO credit score equal to or great than 530 Training & Resources for more information.
  • To meet Tier 1 debt-to-income (DIR) requirement applicant's DIR must be 50% or less. To meet Tier 2 requirement, applicant's DIR must be 47% or less. To meet the Premium Tier, the applicant's DIR must be 40% or less. Debt To Income Ratio Calculator
  • A co-signer who is a CTSI Enrolled Tribal Member must meet all the requirements for a first-time business loan applicant.
  • A co-signer who is not a CTSI Enrolled Tribal Member must have a minimum FICO score of 700 and otherwise meet all the requirements for a first-time business loan applicant.
  • Please contact the STRCP Loan Administrator for more information.

A. Proposed debt-to-income ratio and FICO credit score must meet the same requirements as first-time borrower. Previous loan(s) successfully paid back in full with no more than five delinquent payments over the course of the loan. In case of previous loan default and/or default payment(s) through per capita garnishment, applicant must wait three years from the date the loan is paid back in full to be eligible to apply for the next loan. If the previous loan has less than 10% principal balance remaining and the borrower(s) meets all necessary requirements as outlined in the STRCP Declaration of Policies they may apply for another loan. The remaining balance on a previous loan (payoff amount) will be paid for (and loan closed out) utilizing principal from the loan.

A. Depending on how delinquent the payment is there are different conditions.

  • For all loans with terms starting October 1, 2014 or later, there is a $25.00 late fee assessed to the account if the payment is received eleven (11) days or more after your due date.
  • For loans approved with terms starting before October 1, 2014 there is a $15.00 late fee assessed to the account if the payment is received eleven (11) days or more after your due date.

A. Your loan will become delinquent. The following are policies regarding delinquent accounts:

  • After 30 days a past due letter is mailed to you.
  • If the payment is not received within 60 days, an additional letter is sent to you by certified mail attempting to collect payment. The letter will state the amount due for the loan to become current.
  • STRCP Loan Administrator reserves the right to contact you in order to collect a debt.
  • If a payment is not received within 90 days you are subject to appear in Tribal Court. Your per capita is subject to garnishment.
  • The Loan Administrator also reserves the right to seek garnishment through payroll for loan recipients working for CTSI.
  • To bring your account out of default you must pay the amount due. A $50.00 service fee may apply.
  • In compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), all loans are subject to submission to the credit reporting bureaus.

A. Yes.

  • There is a one-time non-refundable application fee of $10.00 that must accompany the submitted loan application.
  • There is also a loan servicing fee applied to the initial prinicpal of all new loans issued. The following list outlines the loan servicing fee amounts.
  • For loans $1,000 or less, a loan fee of $17.50 is applied to the loan.
  • For loans from $1,001 to $1,500 a one-time loan fee of $22.50 is applied to the loan.
  • For loans from $1,501 to $2,000 a one-time loan fee of $25.00 is applied to the loan.
  • For loans from $2,001 to $3,000 a one-time loan fee of $30.00 is applied to the loan.
  • For loans $3,001 or more, the one-time fee is one percent (1%) of amount borrowed and is applied to the loan.
  • There are no additional loan fees to modified loans that do not receive additional advances.
  • On loans modified or refinanced with additional advances, a fee of one percent (1%) of the additional dollars advanced to the nearest dollar not including the loan fee, will be charged.
  • Not sufficient Funds (NSF) fee(s) will be applied on all returned checks or NSF payments.

A. You are notified of the Board's decision within five business days.

If approved:

  • The loan must be finalized within 30 days of approval.
  • May be subject to additional requirements before loan funds can be released.
  • The Promissory note, guaranty and disbursement authorization requires original signatures and must be returned to the STRCP Loan Administrator before funds are released.
  • Upon receipt of original signed promissory note, guaranty and disbursement authorization by STRCP Loan Administrator the funds will be released via check within seven (7) business days.

If denied:

  • A denial letter is mailed to you within five business days stating the reason(s) for denial by the STRCP Board.

A. You may submit a request for loan modification to the STRCP Board of Directors. Only they have the authority to modify approved loans.

A. Other terms and conditions for applicants include:
  • Loans may be used for equipment and other start-up expansion costs. Refinancing will be allowed on business related debts. Loan funds may not be used for owner or business related payoffs.
  • The application process requires a business plan including financials and any other required information.
Financials must include at a minimum:
  • A Co-signer who is not a CTSI Enrolled Tribal Member must have a minimum FICO score of at least 700 or if the co-signer is an Enrolled CTSI Tribal Member must meet the eligibility requirements set forth in the current STRCP Declaration of Policies and Procedures.
All recipients of business loans are required to submit financial reports to the STRCP Loan Administrator as outlined below:
  • Quarterly balance sheet and budget variance report for the first year.
  • Semiannually for the second year.
  • Annually thereafter.
  • The STRCP Board or STRCP Loan Administrator may require additional reports or change the frequencies of the reports at any time.
  • A $100.00 fee will be assessed to borrower(s) of business loans if the quarterly, semiannual or annual financial reports are not submitted by the deadine.
  • An authorized representative of the Board may make an annual inspection of the business premises. There will be no charge for said inspection. Each borrower shall be notified in writing by the Board of the date of inspection (10) days in advance, unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties involved.
  • All STRCP requirements and policies are subject to change without prior notice.
  • For complete terms and conditions please contact the STRCP Loan Administrator or download a copy of the policies here.In case of conflict between the website and approved Declaration of Policies and Procedures, the Declaration of Policies and Procedures supersedes the website.

Rates & Conditions

  • The Board of Directors reviews the base interest rates at the beginning of each calendar year, and may change the rates at any time during the year, to reflect relatively similar market rates, as market conditions change.
  • To get the current STRCP interest rates, please contact the STRCP Loan Administrator at 541-994-2142.
  • There is a service fee for preparation of loan documents. Please see "Are there any application or loan fees?" above for more information.
  • All loans approved by the STRCP Board of Directors will have the current interest rate established at the time of closing.

Examples of estimated monthly payments for illustrative purposes:

Small Business Loan Interest Rates Premium Tier Tier 1 Tier 2
Business Loan 8.5% 9.5% 10.50%
Loan Amount Term of Loan Interest Rate Monthly Payment Total Interest Owed
$5,050.00 ($5,000 loan with $50.00 one-time loan service fee) 36 Months 8.75% $160.00 $710.06
$10,100.00 ($10,000 loan with $100.00 one-time loan service fee) 60 Months 8.75% $208.44 $2406.16

Business Loan Application Process

Applicants must submit their completed application to the STRCP Office with the $10.00 non-refundable application fee by the monthly deadline. The application is available at the link below. Applications are not considered complete until the non-refundable $10.00 application fee is received . Co-owners of the business who are co-borrowers must fill out the Co-Borrower Loan Application.

Upon receiving the completed application, the Loan Administrator performs a credit check of the applicant(s) and calculates the debt-to-income ratio (DIR) including the proposed monthly loan payment. The monthly payment and length of loan term will depend on the amount requested but is determined by the STRCP Board of Directors.

The STRCP Board meets once a month, except in December. Loan requests will not be reviewed in the month of December.

Completed applications can be submitted to the SMLLC, Inc c/o STBC [STRCP Loan Administrator] by mail, or in person by the monthly deadline.

A loan application will be completed by the applicant and submitted to the STRCP Loan Administrator for processing.

A. A completed application submitted to the STRCP Board must include:

  1. Completed loan application with original signature(s).
  2. FICO Credit Score (credit check ran by STRCP Loan Administrator).
  3. Calculated proposed (with STRCP loan) DIR (ran by STRCP Loan Administrator).
  4. Business Plan (unless requested loan is less than $1,000).
  5. Financial projections (and/or historicals if business is already existent).
  6. Proof of completed of ONABEN Indianpreneurship or equivalent course or equivalent. Proof of completed business classes or degree from accredited educational institution also acceptable.
  7. Proof of required licenses, permits and insurance. If business is new, applicant must provide proof of all applicable licenses, permits and insurance within three months of receiving loan funds.
  8. Proof of 51% ownership of business.
  9. Paid $10.00 non-refundable application fee.

For reference materials and business education please visit our Training and Resources page.

Forms and References

Information Cover Letter

You can download a fillable business loan application form that is fillable through Adobe Reader or equivalent on your screen or print directly and fill in by hand.
Loan Application Fillable
Loan Application Print

You can download the Co-owner business loan application form that is fillable through through Adobe Reader or equivalent or print directly and fill in in by hand.
Co-Owner App Fillable Co-Owner App Print

Approve Reject

Loan Approval

If the application is approved through the Siletz Tribe Revolving Credit Program (STRCP), the applicant is required to sign a Promissory note, guaranty and disbursement authorization request. It is recommended by the STRCP Loan Administrator the loan applicant present their completed loan application to the STRCP Board directly.

The loan will be administered through Siletz Management, LLC. Payments may be made by check or money order to STRCP and delivered/mailed to 2120 NW 44th Street Ste. D, Lincoln City, OR 97367. It is the client responsibility to ensure payment arrives by due date each month.

STRCP 2024 Due Dates

Application Deadlines Board Review
January 01 January 16
February 01 February 20
March 01 March 19
April 01 April 16
May 01 May 21
June 01 June 18
July 01 July 16
August 01 August 20
September 01 September 17
October 01 October 15
November 01 November 19
No December Meeting No December Meeting

You may submit your completed application by mail or drop off in person at:

SMLLC c/o STBC [STRCP Loan Administrator]

2120 NW 44th Street, Suite D
Lincoln City, Oregon 97367

Due Dates

Debt to Income

Your debt to income ratio (DIR) is determined by your monthly income and your monthly expenses (bills). It helps to determine the capacity an applicant has to repay any borrowed funds. To calculate your DIR, first you total all your monthly expenses and divide that by your gross monthly income and multiply that figure by 100 to find your percentage of debt to income. You can calculate your DIR using the equation below:

Total of monthly expenses / monthly gross income x 100 = %

Example: you have $925.00 of monthly bills and your monthly income is $2500.00

925.00/2500.00 x 100 = 37%

Try our DIR calculator:  Debt To Income Ratio Calculator

Monthly Payment Calculator

Before applying for a loan whether through STRCP or another financial institution, try our payment estimator: Payment Estimator

Understanding total repayment cost to you

It is important to understand the total interest you will be required to pay in addition to the principal.

For example: If you take out a loan of $3,030.00 with a 24 month repayment term with an 8% interest rate:

  • Your monthly payments will be approximately $137.22.
  • Total interest you will pay on loan is $293.28.
  • Total amount owed to creditor is $3,293.28.

Impact of Credit Score & Interest Rate on Cost of Loan

The interest rate on your loan is critical in determining how much you owe and most creditors determine your interest rate by your credit score.

Take the example of two different applicants applying for the same car loan for $20,000 from a traditional lending institution outside STRCP.

Applicant 1 Applicant 2
Credit Score 770 530
Length of Loan 60 months 60 months
Loan Amount $20,000 $20,000
Interest Rate 2.49% 18.99%
Interest Owed $1,291.54 $11,122.06
Total Amount for Pay Off $21,291.54 $31,122.06

Applicant 2 will pay $9,830.52 more for the same car due to their lower credit score & higher interest rate!

Other Sources of Funding

Oregon.Gov provides a variety of funding resources for small businesses through Business Oregon. They can provide assistance through a variety of mechanisms including loans and incentives as well as other assistance. You can get more information from their website located at Business Xpress Financing. Additional information is found below.

A. Yes, Business Oregon requires a variety of items and a completed application form to apply for Business Oregon Financing. The General Checklist includes:

  • Historical and Interim Financials - Balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, financial statement notes, tax returns for last 3 years
  • Personal Financials - recent personal financial statement, 3 years of personal tax returns.
  • Affiliate Statements - list all affiliates or subsidiaries, last 3 years of balance sheets and profit & loss statements on each
  • Pro Formas - two years of pro forma financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement). Cash flow pro forma must be monthly for a minimum of 12 months.
  • Project Plans - plot plan and/or drawings of proposed project, map of project site
  • Company Management - organization chart of company showing key positions and functions
  • Lender Commitments - commitments from other lenders financing the project
  • Collateral and Appraisals - department may require appraisals
  • Business Plan - Analysis of the opportunity including revenue and expense forecasts, market analysis, etc.
  • Project Description - details of your project, from start to finish, including a list of sources and uses of funds for the project

A. Business Oregon provides a variety of loans for all differents kinds and types of busineseses. See below for more information

STRCP Vision & Mission Statements

Entrepreneurial Development Mission

STRCP Vision

To see tribal members achieve their financial goals through effective personal financial management.

STRCP Mission

To raise the social and economic status, as well as credit worthiness, of members of the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians.

Other STRCP Goals

  • Help members secure adequate financing on reasonable terms from another lender, and to finance developments for which other financing is not available through education and credit rehabilitation.
  • Fostering new tribal entrepreneurs and providing tools to existing entreprenuers, we at STBC and STRCP are here to assist the ongoing economic development and advancement of the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians.
  • Facilitation of the development of existing Siletz Tribal Business Entrepreneurs through proactive partnerships as they are the leaders of a larger dynamic Tribal economy.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions regarding the Siletz Tribe Revolving Credit Program or any questions related to business development.

STRCP Declaration of Polices & Procedures

The STRCP is governed by a Declaration of Policies & Procedures by resolution of the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians' Tribal Council.

The purpose of the Declaration of Policies & Procedures is to establish policies and procedures to govern all future loans made by the Tribe to membership under the STRCP. The Siletz Tribe Revolving Credit Program was developed in response to a number of goals and objectives established in the Comprehensive Plan of the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians. The STRCP Board of Directors shall use this Declaration in their day-to-day operations.

Loans shall be made for the purpose of raising the social and economic status, as well as credit worthiness, of members of the Tribe to a point where they can secure adequate financing on reasonable terms from another lender, and to finance developments for which other financing is not available through education and credit rehabilitation. Additionally, subsequent loans may be approved for applicants who successfully met all the conditions of their previous loans per these policies. Loans may be made only upon the determination that repayments can be made, based upon accepted credit analysis.

This Declaration of Polices & Procedures will apply to all Tribal funds used for credit purposes hereafter advanced or granted to the STRCP.

STRCP Policies

STRCP Credit Reporting

The STRCP submits monthly reports of all active loans to TransUnion Credit Agency. Should you have any questions or concerns about your loan credit reporting please don't hesitate to contact Siletz Management, LLC at 1-541-994-2142. Our office hours are Monday through Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm.


TransUnion Credit Report Item Dispute

Should you want more information on how to dispute a credit item on your report through TransUnion you can go to the TransUnion Credit Disuptes FAQs page.

You can also submit disputes to TransUnion online, by phone or by mail:
Online: Online dispute submission process
Phone: Call 1-800-916-6800. Hours are 8:00am to 11:00pm Eastern Time Monday through Friday.
Mail to:
  • TransUnion, LLC
  • Consumer Dispute Center
  • P.O. Box 2000
  • Chester, PA 19022